Saturday, December 14, 2013

11.1 Reflection

Wow time has really gone by.  This class has been quite informative in many aspects of technology integration.  Not only should teachers be aware of the technology use but have a true understanding that the technology doesn't just need to be utilized but it needs to serve a true purpose.  Making sure that lessons are constructed implementing technology and enhancing the lesson - meaning making sure that technology is incorporated to fit the lesson and not the lesson fitting the technology is essential.  To make sure that the appropriate technologies are being utilized it is important for teachers to keep themselves abreast of information regarding new tools and updates and ask colleagues and the TI for help.  There is no shame in making sure that your processes are right and up-to-date.  Professional development is offered oftentimes online which makes it easier to not conflict with a teacher's life at school.

  • Making sure that all students are considered when developing lesson plans is crucial not only when developing lessons with technology but at all times.  Having a true understanding of all students and how they learn and where their shortfalls may be demonstrates a truly passionate and dedicated educator - especially when the process is thoroughly thought through and implemented to accommodate all skill levels in a classroom.
  • Making sure that you are connected to the standards in your area and on the national level is extremely important.  These standards are set in motion to make sure that students are receiving the best well-balanced education.  Sometimes it is easy to forget something or become a little less concerned about something because of the other million things a teacher must worry about - so making sure that these are reviewed and followed somewhat takes the pressure off of the instructor so that more time can be spent developing quality and engaging lessons.
  • Taking the time to focus on the needs of all teachers and students can be challenging.  However, if appropriate measures are taken then the process doesn't become so overwhelming - meaning that if the TI spends time talking with educators and finding out their needs and the needs of students if makes the task much simpler and productive.  If the TI does not know what is needed then the search for useful tools can be a waste of time.  Yeah, the TI can find awesome tools for the students and teachers to use but if it does not "fit" with the lessons then the lesson become a chore for the teachers to make them fit around the technology - not a good suggestion.
  • Maximizing resource availability is extremely important.  Allowing students to bring their own devices is one way to implement the 1:1 in a school.  Making sure all students have equal access is necessary to give each and every one of them adequate and useful time utilizing the technologies.  Not all students have their own devices but it does help when trying to accommodate 20 - 30+ students in one class with equipment.  There can be a huge expense when trying to initially implement technology in a school however there is assistance from the federal, non -profits and state and local resources that can assist in making technology a staple in the school environment.  

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Discussion 10.2 Wiki

Here is the link to my Wiki.  Feedback is greatly appreciated!

Discussion 10.1 Measuring NETS Compentencies

Student assessment can reveal whether teachers are meeting the competencies of NETS-T.  The regular observations and self-assessments can also give great insight as to whether competencies are being met.  Teachers sometimes forget that they too need to be evaluated by themselves and even colleagues to make sure that they are staying on top of things and aren't getting comfortable with the tried and true methods they have done for years.  Making sure that NETS-T is reviewed/known is an awesome way to make sure that one stays on track with the expectations of NETS.

Administration is also responsible for making sure that they are keeping themselves aligned with the NETS-A.  Oftentimes administration gets lost in making sure that things are running smoothly that they can lose sight of the competencies that they must maintain.  It is always good for self-assessment and colleague observations for administration to take place.  Looking at oneself is sometimes difficult so getting information from a different source is helpful.  Knowing if administration is meeting the competencies lies with the success of their staff and how well they meet the competencies as well.  Modeling the expected behavior on a regular basis is one sure way to keep skills sharp.

Students learn to blog using Kidblog as a safe platform is which no outsiders can view their information.  This ensures that they learn not to post personal information or inappropriate content as part of their digital footprint.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Discussion 9.2 Virtual School Course

HomeWhile perusing the site for VHS courses  I noticed a lot of wonderful offerings for students of many different levels. This is something that is crucial when deciding to let students take these courses or not.  If the course is too advanced they may become even more discouraged and if they are not challenging enough the students will be bored and not do as well as anticipated.  One of the major concerns for courses such as these is the discipline that is required to do well.  Being able to construct the time-frame and keep it is necessary to stay in line with the assignments and keep on top of what is required.  Students need to understand when committing to such classes that it is imperative that they have the discipline required.  These courses could be great to start teaching young students accountability and discipline skills for preparation for college.  The awesome thing is that students do not and cannot commit to be full time. They are part time and these courses serve as supplemental learning for students who need additional help or challenges.  The VHS does not try to cancel out the traditional school setting just to enhance the learning experience of their enrolled students.  They can also aid students in helping with prerequisites they may feel that they need before they enter into the challenging world of college.  Many students think they know what they want to do and maybe courses that are offered in their field would help the students feel more secure or re-evaluate their decisions - sometimes the sooner the better.  Sometimes just experiencing something new and different is encouraging and can spark an interest in school again. 


Thursday, November 21, 2013

Discussion 9.1 Virtual Schools

Virtual Schools provide a free alternative to public education.  But is it real worth everything that it really costs.

Virtual Learning is not free in the United States.  It is produced at direct cost to the taxpayer, and often at the highest cost per district in the state. Corporation like K12 are for profit businesses that make profit from the same coffers that fund struggling public schools across the U.S.

The real issue to virtual education rests in the lack of real virtualness. K12s program requires parent learning coaches, a teacher to track progress, and UPS shipments of classroom materials.  Virtual school children suffer from the same lack of socialization that other home school children are confronted with.  K12's program is little more than a digital home school option which sends data to a teacher for verification and provides the student with a qualified tutor through email.  Assessments of the program have yet to show progress in a majority of the virtual academies and although the two thirds of its students suffer from poverty the K12 system does not appear to be designed to help these children.  (Layton and Brown, 2011)

The framework advertised above does have merits for students who need individual attention weather they are under preforming in a public school setting or are academically gifted enough that they need to move forward at a pace that public school cannot provide.  Self paced education or standards based RISC education, like that recently developed for Maine schools (Parkhurst 2010), is likely to become a powerful alternative to the common grade assessed schools as American education shifts through the 21st century trying to find its footing and a singular model.  Virtual schools will attempt to corner the home school market and create a privatized niche to replace failing public school systems.

Layton, L and Brown, E. Virtual schools are multiplying, but some question their educational value. The Washington Post. Retrieved from.

Parkhurst, E.  RISC in Maine Schools   Retrieved from

Sunday, November 17, 2013

8.3 School Libraries Going Virtual?

I really had a hard time with this debate because I see the pro and cons of both.  It is inevitable that libraries will be completely in digital format at some point and time, I just feel that students should be able to grab onto a "real" book and read it if they want and escape from the socially required life in technology.  After reading the posts from my classmates I discovered many reasons for and against digital libraries.  I think bridging the informational gap with digital resources is and amazing option.  Again, I am on the fence about completely going digital, however, I do believe that the approach needs to be scaffolded and at a slow and steady pace.  Making such drastic changes overnight is never the best way to go.